Wednesday, July 8, 2009


i had to go to a professional pimple-squisher today.
at least she's nice.
but she put some pink gunk on my face that turned into RUBBER when it dried...
and you have to peel it off...

lolz were had.

then i went to the park by myself for a little.
but when i walked home, guess what, it rained
and i had no umbrella.
i got soaked
and am spending the rest of the day in my pjs.
god, i love my hideous luck.

also, not only did i just scarf down 4 little delicjes
they're little caked with jelly discs on them and covered in chocolate
but i also found my hoshigakure headband that went AWOL for two years.
turns out i left it here

i fail.

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